Great article on Trump’s voracious newspaper appetite:
(For those who claimed he somehow wasn’t a “reader”.)
Also, getting an inch or so of printouts daily is a more efficient way to digest material from the Web than to click through for it one story at a time.
The issue of course is Establishment chiefs of staff trying to censor what gets to him. At least it sounds like it isn’t as bad as it was under Kelly.
More bulls** from you. But that is your SOP. The smartest person in the room, correcting us dunces. And in the process, always attempting to sow a little defeatism.... Yeah, Trump isn't in control, hires bad guys who feed him crap, Trump doesn't know the difference or is a weakling led around by bad guys.
I have an idea - sell your wares on other threads.
Apparently ‘gaslighting’ the President is a long standing, time honored practice.