Good interview with Jim Jordan
Jim Jordan Wants To Hold The Russian Collusion Investigators Accountable
After the Mueller hearing, it’s clear that President Trump is not guilty of colluding with the Russian government to steal the 2016 election. But how did the collusion investigation begin in the first place? Was the entire investigation based on illegal spying on the Trump campaign? If so, who oversaw the spying? Rep. Jim Jordan wants to get to the bottom of these questions.
Yes, yes and Yes! Jordan rocks. POTUS wants these other investigations starting. Possibly, they are already starting, but the leaky HOUSE majority Marxists don’t know about it.
I do believe that Trump has really NO doubt that he will win, in November. His concern is only by how much.
His Re-Election numbers will result in more or less the same corresponding degree of Power. He surely hopes for a rout.
Prosecutions for Treason are Monumental tasks, after all, and the actual Slamming of cell doors on these traitors HAS to be done powerfully, and not late in the first term of the president, but by a newly powerful and Re-elected SECOND TERM PRESIDENT.
I think we can all agree that POTUS “will have MORE flexibility after the Election” (quoting Obama.)
A high stakes battle is taking place on the ground and in the air, certainly against the Prince of the Air, his evil principalities and powers.
God be with him and us, and the USA. President Trump was sure chosen for this time, Herculean he is, whether he be saint or secular, he was certainly chosen. Whoo HOO!