“Don’t cats do this? Feels like they kill for fun all the time.”
The answer is yes. They also torture. Such as a mouse with it’s back bitten so only it’s front legs work and is played with until it dies. Or a squirrel half dead carried to the kitten nest so the little ones can learn to kill.
The wife likes cats, so do I, but one is enough. We had four outside cats, I caught one torturing a squirrel while the wife was shopping. I shot the damn thing. Wife thinks it ran off. She’s agreed to give the other two away which will leave us one for mousing.
I used to think if we fed the outside cats they would stop killing. That did not work. If they have full stomachs, then they kill for sport and that’s when the torture really ramps up.
Squirrels and birds are fun to watch, but not when a cat is on a limb ready to snatch it.
Not sure you can say they kill for sport but rather to keep their survival skills up to snuff. Call it range time.