nothing truer than the following, and it is the Deep State, including FakeNewsMSM, that gave the public the licence to not accept THEIR loss:
Oliver Stone: What was unprecedented?
Vladimir Putin: It was the first time the losing side does not want to admit defeat and does not respect the will of the voters.
Oliver Stone: What was unprecedented?
Vladimir Putin: It was the first time the losing side does not want to admit defeat and does not respect the will of the voters.
Putin's right on this... a page was turned when democrats decided NOT to accept the results of an election. Remember when they accused Trump - said he would not accept Hillary's win? Projection again. Now democrat are say 'Trump won't step down if he loses' - which means IF DEMOCRATS WIN THEY WON'T STEP DOWN WHEN THEY LOSE.
We know what they're up to by what they project on to us...