Back in the old day folks used to wear their best Sunday school clothes whenever they flew.
The days of the Jet Setters.
Back in the old day folks used to wear their best Sunday school clothes whenever they flew.
That was once true when people went to lots of places or attended special occasions.
Want to get noticed these days? Just wear some nice, clean clothes. America has taken the ‘dress down’ thing to extremes. We look like ragamuffins compared to how people dressed a few decades ago.
Eventually some trendsetters in the entertainment world will adopt more formal styles and the masses will follow their lead like they always do.
Yes, but back then all air travel was the equivalent of first class, today - including the prices. When price points dropped enough to allow the Greyhound Bus hordes to take wing, they brought their wardrobe traditions with them. :)
I saw an old ad for Greyhound bus...if you ever see a family in a suit coat (dad and son) and dresses (mom and daughter), you might be in a twilight zone...