I was a successful “change agent” at two different companies. The second company hired me because of my success at their supplier, the first company. Not once was I able to direct anyone to do something. I had to convince them that documenting their procedure and then changing it was in their interest.
And, that is the problem with AOC and her Green New Deal. Even the least astute among us can see that changing everything and doing away with cows would not be a good thing to do. What she proposed was beyond magical thinking. It was pure fantasy. Then, she did something I would never do in managing change; she threatened us. Do this or we all die in twelve years. One wonders how she arrived at twelve. I was told in the sixties that we would be in an ice age by 1970. We were told we would be out of oil by 1980...which became 1990, then 2000. Peak oil, you know. I am tired of the threats. (Obama told a group of CEO’s that if it weren’t for him a mob would burn them at the stake. Seriously. I’d have laughed at him.)
A U.N. study group came up with that date of doom back in the fall of 2018.