Then I noticed that I was starting to eat less. Where I used to have a couple of PB&J's for lunch, one was fine. And so on. The only change was no HFCS.
Then I started to pay attention when *I* needed to do the grocery shopping. HFCS is in everything!! Soda? Of course, no surprise there. Peanut Butter and Jelly? Sure, makes sense. But bread? Ketchup? Pickles and Relish? I started wondering if there's something to all this.
There are other HFCS-free choices, but you need to look.
Meanwhile, I've lost a bunch of weight and I feel better in general. More energy. Was it because of a general change of habits for the better? Or cutting out HFCS? Probably both, but cutting out the HFCS sure makes sense to me.