Exactly! Exactly! That's my thinking, absolutely!
Why should anyone think that kids have changed so much, that kids are just naturally liberal and can't be anything but liberal?
These kids nowadays have been exposed to everything, transgenderism, identity politics, the Me Too movement, the Walk Away movement, the Get Woke movement, boys in the girl's bathrooms, boys on the girl's track team, etc., etc.
Kids don't like getting things crammed down their throats, and they're smart enough to be able to tell when that's what's going on.
Plus they have the internet, which we didn't.
Also, it's important to distinguish between two eras here. The internet era is one thing; that started in about 1994 for most adults.
For kids, there's the internet, and then there's this other thing called social media, which is a separate and distinct phenomenon altogether. Kids my daughter's age have grown up in the era of social media, the internet is just a given, just a background utility they take for granted.
Yep — I agree.