I don’t think they did anything wrong, people have been paying $$$ to get their kids into good schools forever.
They could get them on tax evasion, since they used the payments as a tax deduction- but that is also allowed.
UNLESS you cannot give a gift in anticipation of receiving something... ? (admission for her daughter)
Quid pro quo.
Illegal when you are bypassing the schools stated, public rules they claim to apply equally to everyone for admissions.
If it’s above board, why was it being hidden and kept quiet? If you can buy your kid a spot in a school and the school is open about it and the parents are open about it, and they can take whatever reaction others have about it, great.
“They could get them on tax evasion, since they used the payments as a tax deduction- but that is also allowed.”
Since when was funneling your bribe through a fake charity to evade taxes allowed?