“” “” The lunatics simply dont understand they are dealing with communists.”” “”
As opposed to communists in DC? ‘Trump’s Huawei ban’ doesn’t sound right because Trump is not in a position to ban something there but the technology consists implications potentially harmful to freedoms and for that reason the system must be domestically developed at the very least.
If I were them I wouldn’t trust both Huawei and American companies which doesn’t have a good record regarding user’s privacy too.
I don’t disagree, but I do believe there is more importance to safeguard privacy, data, and system security and integrity in systems that are being developed and sold by a government that wishes us ill.
We have to trust our laws to deal with our friends and fellow citizens however they are defined, but we don’t have to trust them when dealing with China, Russia, or Iran.
That is foolhardy, IMO.