This stuff heals incisions quickly, many times without a scar!
I agree the stuff is great.
We gotta be careful though Stars.
Big Pharma don’t like people finding out about Silver.
Guess most folks don’t know or remember why food serving dishes and utensils were made from Silver or why Ship captains tossed silver coins into storage barrels to keep drinking water fresh, because of silver’s ability to retard bacteria
Some say colloidal Silver water is cheap to make and people can do it at home.
The silver I buy serves me well.
Apologies for slideage of Qthread.
Nothing angers me more than Big Pharma and of course corrupt politicians. Its why I’m HERE AND HAPPY NOW.
I will now lay my silver sword down at the feet of the Mother of dragons and continue on the path of Q in search of the next rabbit hole to excavate.