Posted on 05/04/2019 8:26:13 PM PDT by simpson96
Former Texas congressman Beto O'Rourke says he'd put former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams in charge of combating voter suppression if elected president. Speaking to supporters in Fort Worth on Friday, O'Rourke said he had a conversation on the subject with the rising star in the Democratic Party.
"I called her to thank her for all the work that she's doing on voting rights. And making sure that every person in this country can vote. And that every vote counts in this country," O'Rourke said. "We talked about how in our states of the former Confederacy, really ever since the end of reconstruction, we have drawn people out of their ability to participate in this Democracy."
While he didn't go into specifics about the details of the role, O'Rourke told the Texas crowd the country is in need of a "new voting rights act" and Abrams would play a part in that.
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the rising star in the Democratic Party.
Put Brenda Snipes in charge of counting?
She's not qualified to be a lavatory monitor.
And fortunately for America, you'll never get that chance to appoint her Irish Bob. I'm thinking your father-in-law is have seconds thoughts why he didn't just lock his daughter in a closet about now....???!!??
Beto’s hopes of candidacy are over, so now he’s just gathering the cast for a live-action Shrek movie.
Lightweight puts Heavyweight in Charge of Make-Believe Issue.
one bitter loser + another bitter loser
Bobbie O’Rourke will pander to anyone, to try to get votes.
Amazing: I live about 25 miles from Dallas and 25 miles from Ft. Worth, just about midway between. I saw nothing on local news about Butti or O’Rourke being in the two cities.
Apparently, they drew very few people to their rallies.
I only found out about their rallies here on FR.
... suppressing the votes by not allowing Donald Trump the President on the ballots!
I think there are now about 17 States that are trying that.
I don’t believe such a trick will be upheld by the SCOTUS.
Giving a job to the Ghettopatomis!! Really?
“Beto O’Rourke says he’d put Stacey Abrams in charge of combating voter suppression”
She’d be like the old Maytag repairman, as there is no voter suppression.
How stupid is the guy?? Why not give the key to the hen house to the fox???
Do they wish to eliminate suppression of the bus loads of paid bums and illegals who drive from poll to poll voting at each stop? How about the suppression of miraculously found ballots inexplicably left in trunks of rental cars.
What a doofus.
But one thing WE need to be very worried aboiut is voter fraud in 2020.
Obvious, provable fraud was committed and few cheaters paid any consequences. Even on Election Day, people were reporting fraud as it was occurring. I don’t know if election fraud is something the Feds can be involved in, or of it’s up to each state. If Feds, PDJT should place military personnel strategically within each state to jump on it ASAP. It’s a crime.
When GWB was in office it happened all the time, and he just looked away. Never spoke about it, condemned it, or did a thing. If Trump does lose, it’ll be because of fraud.
A delicious election night would be the drive-by media dealing with Trump winning the popular vote, too. Could it be better than 11-8-16? Maybe. (Brace for impact!)
The jokes write themselves.
Why not the Black Pampers? It worked well at that voting site in Philly.
It's the modern version of "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."
That said, Stacy Abrams is a particularly egregious example.
Both of these characters will have the Dentist vote!
A walkin’boss!
Insight into the makeup and character of that idiot’s administration. Another groomed, fully-owned subsidiary of the leftist, progressive political funding machine, i.e., Bill Clinton, the Sequel.
And making sure that every person in this country can vote.
That would be illegal, Jim. Not everyone in the country is eligible to vote.
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