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To: Chuckster

Here we go—

1,069 posted on 05/02/2019 3:07:28 PM PDT by Defiant (I may be deplorable, but I'm not getting in that basket.)
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To: Defiant

1,083 posted on 05/02/2019 3:44:11 PM PDT by BiggBob
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To: Defiant

and here we goooo!!!

1,116 posted on 05/02/2019 5:03:46 PM PDT by ichabod1 (He's a vindictive SOB but he's *our* vindictive SOB.)
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To: ransomnote; StormFlag; TEXOKIE; CPT Clay; buffaloguy; grey_whiskers; Wingy; bitt; Shady; ...


As we await COMEY>DECLAS>IG>HUBER and the derps continue to seek an escape, the humor factor of the derp's desperation escalates. Let's see what stories the Oracle has been following over the last few days.

(This edition is heavy on stories and light on Q, due to heavy multiple news days during a small Q drought).

See if you can spot the BOOMAGE.

  • The UK responds to accusations that their intelligence agencies "spied" on Trump.

    haffast-Trump accuses the UK of spying again – but intelligence agencies have learnt to ignore him.


    Donald Trump has repeated unverified claims that Britain’s intelligence agencies spied on his 2016 presidential campaign, a day after Buckingham Palace confirmed he would make a three-day state visit to the UK in June.

    Trump was tweeting in response to former CIA analyst, Larry Johnson, who told the conservative One America News network, he believed the earlier claims that had first emerged in 2017 to be true. “It is now just a question of time before the truth comes out, and when it does, it will be a beauty,” Trump tweeted.

    Trump’s tweet prompted another rebuke from the UK’s intelligence, cyber and security agency, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). “The allegations that GCHQ was asked to conduct ‘wire tapping’ against the then President Elect are nonsense. They are utterly ridiculous and should be ignored,” a GCHQ spokesperson told Reuters news agency.

  • xzins- It’s Not ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome,’ It’s a Fever-Fueled Effort to ‘Fundamentally Transform’ the United States of America


    Under Barack Obama, ordinary Democrats became enamored of the narrative that they were the Good People, hence entitled to crush anyone in their way, because everything they do is in the service of social justice.

    The derangement we are facing is not Orange Man Bad; it is America Bad.

    (more at link/Oracle recommended)

  • Red hunter Disestablishmentarian reported this nugget.

    We all know Brennan is a commie rat. But somehow I didn’t learn until TODAY (reading Diana West’s new book) that COMEY WAS AN ADMITTED COMMUNIST TOO (before he stopped admitting it).

    Not to mention Nellie Ohr ... “former” CIA under Brennan. And Christopher Steele! Commie!

    And so many more.

    The commie thread goes BRIGHT RED through the entire Coup d’ etat.

    Want pudding?

    bitt-Staunch Anti-Communist Donald Trump Vs. Communist Sympathizing Anti-Trump Putschists Brennan, Nellie Ohr, Steele, & Comey


    Donald Trump’s muscular Anti-Communist pronouncements and observations from his 2000 “The America We Deserve”highlights the seditious role reversal underlying the manufactured “Trump-Russia collusion” faux narrative.

    A simple juxtaposition of Trump’s written words, versus the writings, utterances and behaviors of key players orchestrating what is now tantamount to a putsch (or coup d’etat, per former Federal prosecutor DiGenova)) against POTUS Trump—John Brennan, Nellie Ohr, Christopher Steele, and James Comey—should make this dichotomy plain to even the most blinkered, and doctrinaire Never Trumpers of any persuasion.

    (more at link)

  • Let's talk about the Obama White House involvement in "spy-gate".

    Little Jeremiah-A Potpourri of Information

    mairdie-Sally Yates -vs- Michael Flynn…

    9th, 2016, the political surveillance and spy operations of the Obama administration were using the FBI and NSA database to track/monitor their opposition. However, once the NSA compliance officer began initiating an internal review of who was accessing the system, the CIA and FBI moved to create ex post facto justification for their endeavors. [Full Backstory]

    After the November 8th, 2016, election everyone within the Obama network associated with the Trump surveillance operation was at risk. This is the impetus for the “Muh Russia” collusion- conspiracy narrative that was used as a mitigating shield. Within a few days after the election ODNI James Clapper and CIA Director John Brennan began pushing the Russia election interference narrative in the media.

    (more at link)

    mairdie-Trump Baits “Coup” and “Overthrow” – Sally Yates Surfaces.


    With the background of Sally Yates involvement outlined, it does not seem coincidental that immediately after President Trump begins discussing the “coup” and “overthrow” former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates surfaces.

    mairdie-List of Documents for Declassification and Public Release.

  • BigBobb reports.

    Fox alert

    [RR] submits resignation

    Publius reminds us of Q post #3315.

    #3315 (partial)

    Rod's departure next?

    [Little Jeremiah posted [RR]'s resignation letter.

    Little Jeremiah reports a William Barr statement (w/out source) on the [RR] resignation.

  • Clashes rock Venezuela as Guaido, Maduro vie for power


    CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido has taken to the streets with detained activist Leopoldo Lopez and a small contingent of heavily armed soldiers in a military uprising.

    “This is the moment of all Venezuelans, those in uniform and those who aren’t,” said Lopez in his first public appearance since being detained in 2014 for leading anti-government protests. “Everyone should come to the streets, in peace.”

    Stats n Stripes Forever reports;

    Secretary Pompeo;Verified account @SecPompeo

    Today interim President Juan Guaido announced start of Operación Libertad. The U.S. Government fully supports the Venezuelan people in their quest for freedom and democracy. Democracy cannot be defeated.

    And this;

    Trish Regan; Verified account @trish_regan

    Breaking: in #Venezuela - national guards arresting/attacking other national guards

    KitJ reported this tweet by The Donald.

    If Cuban Troops and Militia do not immediately CEASE military and other operations for the purpose of causing death and destruction to the Constitution of Venezuela, a full and complete....

    This just in from aMorePerfectUnion.

    In related stories.

    mairdie-Secretary of State Pompeo: Socialist Regime Leader Maduro Was Going to Flee Country Until Russia Propped Him Up


    Pompeo told Trish Regan that Maduro was ready to flee the country until Russia stepped in and propped him up.

    (video interview @ link)

    bitt-Trump's Cuba hawks try to squeeze Havana over Venezuela role


    MIAMI/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Wednesday imposed new sanctions and other punitive measures on Cuba and Venezuela, seeking to ratchet up U.S. pressure on Havana to end its support for Venezuela’s socialist president, Nicolas Maduro.

    A flashback for you old-timers (not me, of course)

  • Little Jeremiah-Trump Moves To Designate Muslim Brotherhood As Terror Group


    President Trump moved to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terror group following a visit from the president of Egypt earlier this month.

    The designation would impose severe travel and economic sanctions on those who associate with the group, which has millions of members across the Middle East. Trump has asked his administration to figure out a way to make the designation happen, The New York Times reports. Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed the news, which the New York Times reports has sparked internal debate in the administration. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and national security advisor John Bolton support the move, while others at the Pentagon are opposed and are working to propose a more moderate action.

  • Cats Pajamas-Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt will leave Alphabet’s board after 18 years


    Eric Schmidt will depart Alphabet’s board this June, after holding a seat for 18 years. His departure comes just over a year after Schmidt stepped down from his role as Alphabet’s executive chairman — it also comes as Google struggles with internal turmoil over its involvement with US military contracts, potential business in China, and reported cover-ups of sexual misconduct.

    StevenW-More On [ES] Departure.

    Recall Q #1446 (June 18.2018).

    What a wonderful day.
    ES in the front row.
    GOOG access KILLS.
    [J C]
    Happy Hunting D!
    clapper-declares-it-is-time-for-mueller-to-wrap-up-the-russia-probe-soon PAIN.

  • Melian-Julian Assange sentenced to 50 weeks in prison, day before facing extradition hearing


    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been sentenced to 50 weeks in prison for violating his bail and going into hiding at the Ecuadorian embassy, seven years ago, a sentence that comes just a day before a hearing is set to take place concerning his extradition to the U.S.

  • grey

    Breaking: Criminal referral filed against Nellie Ohr concerning congressional testimony after emails surface showing election-year contacts with DOJ

    Little Jeremiah-Solomon: Nellie Ohr Has Been Referred to DOJ for Criminal Prosecution….

    (info and photos at link)

    The criminal referral memorandum.

    KitJ-Final Criminal Referral- Nellie Ohr 5.1.19

  • The Senate Judiciary Committee (Lyndsey Graham/Chairman) held a hearing with Attorney General William Barr. A good time was had by all.

    BiggBob-Barr Hearing/YouTube

    BiggBob picked this juicy nugget from the Barr hearing.

    Barr: “We have multiple criminal leak investigations ongoing”.

    Here's an article on the letter that Mueller sent to Barr with regard to Barr's "summary" of the Mueller report "conclusions".

    The derps made a HUGE deal about this letter (of course) and are trying to say that Barr "lied" about it.

    Stormflag-Mueller complained that Barr’s letter did not capture ‘context’ of Trump probe

    Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III wrote a letter in late March complaining to Attorney General William P. Barr that a four-page memo to Congress describing the principal conclusions of the investigation into President Trump “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s work, according to a copy of the letter reviewed Tuesday by The Washington Post.

    Barr's testimony on this matter was, in a nutshell, that he spoke to Mueller about this letter and that Mueller stated that he didn't disagree with Barr's summary, but that he wanted Barr to release more summary, which Barr then did after reviewing the report for redactions. In fact, he released the entire report, including those parts that Mueller wanted released.

    TEXOKIE took on the monumental task of semi-transcribing the hearing (mixed with anaylysis) in a five part series.

    Click this link then click VIEW REPLIES on the "jumprope skipping dragon" post for her entire series.

    Great job, TEXOKIE.

    TEXOKIE-Barr Hearing Transcript/Commentary

    Suffice to say, the Derpocrats lost their minds and beclowned themselves, as they usually do. Despite the fact that Barr gave them nothing to work with, they are now calling for his recusal, resignation, and impeachment.

    What else is new.


  • Defiant-Here We Go – FBI Admits Using Spies Against Trump Campaign


    A report in the New York Times, transparently timed and placed by officials within the intelligence apparatus trying to get out ahead of internal investigations, outlines how the FBI sent counterintelligence spies to engage with Trump campaign officials in 2016.

    Cats Pajamas-New York Times Admits Obama Admin Deployed Multiple Spies Against Trump Campaign In 2016


    Following months of angry claims by journalists and Democratic operatives that the Obama administration never spied on Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Times admitted Thursday that multiple overseas intelligence assets were deployed against associates of the Republican nominee. It is not the first time the Times has revealed widespread spying operations against the campaign.

    Drip, drip, drip. The derp paper of record, the NYTimes, covering their anooos?

    Too late, boys, but welcome to the party.


Karate Kid Analogy Defeating the Old Guard
You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.
May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense'
Enjoy the show!

In light of the derps "bullying" Barr, Q posts a scene from "The Karate Kid".

In this scene, Daniel-san has been bullied and enters a karate dojo in an effort to enhcance his gung fu and his ability to defend himself from the bullies. Only to find that the head bully is in attendance. He leaves.

Later in the film, he meets a true gung fu master, who teaches him gung fu and Daniel-san's OFFENSE KICKS-OFF.

Q indicates that this month, MAY 2019, will see the KICK-OFF and START of the Q/Q+ OFFENSE.

Will Trump-san paint the fence? Derp on, derp off? Stay tuned.

FReeQs offered these interpretations.

rx dropped this excellent post.

The dojo is the one advertised to the public, with the big store front and signage. It's instructor is organized and competent. The students are well trained and disciplined.

He barks an order and everyone follows his directive and lead instantly. It all looks good and enticing and inviting until he sees that the person who is the instigator, the cause of him even seeking to learn how to fight is already there and is himself a student instructor!

This is the black hats dojo/house. The last two days, the last two plus years, we have been seeking assistance, Justice from the very people who are the cause of our pain! Then we are directed to THEIR HOUSE, THEIR DOJO to learn how to fight! No matter how long we are there, no matter how long we train, we will never get ahead of them on their turf. It's a captured operation.

That is what we have seen from the actions in the US House and Senate. We are in their swamp fighting their swamp creatures on their turf.

We Anon's must find an instructor who is able to train us and show us 'NEW MOVES' that can defeat the black hats and the contest can not occur on their turf, in their house, on their terms. Further, we must toughen up mentally and physically for the battle ahead.

After much training both physically and mentally we learn how to fight and win. You will remember that the climax of the tournament contest between the black hat bully and the white hat Anon Kid is when the Kid presents a new and not seen before move with the crane stance on one foot and the black hat has the puzzled look and smirk....which moments later gets wiped clean off his taunting face!

Isaiah 43:19-21
"Behold, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert"

We will fight our fight the correct way and win with our new strength and focus and few new moves....and we WILL PREVAIL!!!

And all the Anons said AMEN!!!!

[h/t] Juan

Califreak-More Interpretation


To me it looks like the kid is walking away from a class of brainwashed, robotic karate students who are surrendering their individuality as they pursue martial arts. He is rejecting the mainstream karate class.


A movement starts with just one person. In the beginning just one person walks away. Eventually enough people walk away and the bad guy is no longer in control.

Millions of people are walking away from the lies and brainwashing of MSM.

Ultimately, that started with just one person.

(more at link)

See you in the funny papers.

What will the coming days bring us. Stay tuned.

We are the Mouth of America.
Not all can hear our voice, but more do every day.
Can you hear us?

Will you join in our crusade?

The adventure continues tomorrow, sportsfans. See ya ‘round the popsicle stand. Same Q time. Same Q channel.

1,234 posted on 05/03/2019 3:35:26 AM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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