Posted on 04/13/2019 2:31:56 PM PDT by Olog-hai
A Bosnian Serb leader has wrongly called the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, where over 8,000 Muslim men and boys were killed by Bosnian Serb troops, a fabricated myth. The comments defy international court rulings that say genocide was committed in the eastern Bosnian enclave.
Both the International Court of Justice and the U.N. war crimes court for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague, Netherlands, have ruled that the killings in Srebrenica were genocide.
The Bosnian Serb wartime political and military leaders, Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, have been sentenced to life in prison for the Srebrenica genocide and other war crimes during Bosnias 1992-95 war, which killed over 100,000 people and made millions homeless.
But Milorad Dodik, who now heads Bosnias multi-ethnic joint presidency, has told a conference discussing war crimes during the Bosnian conflict that the Srebrenica massacre was something that does not exist.
(Bosnian Muslims) did not have a myth, so they decided to construct one around Srebrenica, Dodik said Friday.
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In the case of a court there has presumably been a taking of and weighing of evidence. So theoretically at least the authority from which it argues is authoritative.
Not saying that’s the case in this instance.
Well, I’m sure somebody did something.
It should be obvious in hindsight, given the news fabrication practices that have been exposed today, that this was just another Deep State con job. Destroying whatever was in that Chinese embassy must have been very important to them.
As I recall and its been a very long time, the bodies were collected during the conflict and buried over time. He’s right, there was no “massacre”. And I think there was something about those bodies not being civilians but mussulman KLA fighters killed in during one of the many attacks on the Serbs.
Its just another mussulman trick, like the endless lines of refugees (who enter a town by the front gate, left by the back gate, circled the mountain to enter by the front gate while the MSN looked on at the horror of the stream of mussulman refuges). Or any of the many other tricks during the conflict to make it look like the Serbs were the aggressors and the poor innocent mussulmen were just victims.
Serbs did genocide like the Nazis did Katyn. Clinton and EU believed it and bombed wrong side. Send those Muslims back to their self-made, literally end stage Ponzi-schemed, Albanian hell. There to suffer under their own mal-administration until it has cooked the Taqiya out of the population, down to one ready to accept, first, mass conversion, then rescue by, the heirs to their once own Mother Teresa.
It was a nasty bloody religious civil war. Nobody had clean hands. It’s time we all moved on.
I assume that Omar will defend this DENIER.
Clinton sided with muslims against the Christian Serbs. ill always hate him for that.
Agreed. It was a travesty of history.
It was BS. What are those pictures of? I read a number of transcripts from the trial where witness xzyvc or whatever numbered anonymous Muslim witness testified about multiple body counts without a scintilla of evidence. The defence of a general or officer would be to the effect of we don’t care what you purportedly saw my guy had nothing to do with it. So in effect most of the blanket assertions were accepted at face value.
And where body counts were found they were in the context of a civil war and firefights not genocide. But the fix was in against the Serbs.
The EU fomented the lies, and Clinton was only too happy to help them.
A UN-linked court? More like the opposite. The ICJ is yet another derivation of the USSR, like the entire UN (thanks to Alger Hiss).
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