Bd (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis ) in fullkills frogs and other amphibians by eating away at their skin and triggering fatal heart attacks.
Its often said that the fungus has caused the decline or extinction of 200 amphibian species,
but that figure is almost two decades out-of-date.
Scheeles team estimates that the fungus has caused the decline of 501 amphibian speciesabout 6.5 percent of the known total.
Of these, 90 have been wiped out entirely.
Another 124 have fallen by more than 90 percent, and their odds of recovery are slim.
Never in recorded history has a single disease burned down so much of the tree of life.
At this point of the study, the fungus is known only to affect amphibians due to it's dependency on moisture,
however, what are the chances of the fungus trans-mutating to affect food supply or to infect mammals ?
Yikes. Thanks for the ping, TIK.