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To: rlmorel
......"don’t go after McCain on what happened on the USS Forrestal. McCain had no more involvement in what happened than surviving it. He didn’t start it and was pretty lucky to survive that day.".....

: Do you have personal knowledge of this? I could show you many that would disagree completely. There are plenty of Youtube video's with actual film and it's hard to tell. They have eyewitnesses that complained of his hot starts to cause explosions for fun. Supposedly the hot start blew a unsecured rocket off a pod to start things rolling. He wasn't implicated because of his Dads DNA. There is also getting shot down 5 times with little to show for it. That's either very unlucky or a complete lack of skill. His record at the Naval Academy for me shows a lack of skill. If Daddy will take care of every screw up, get ready for plenty of screw ups. I give a lot of credit for military men, but that doesn't show they are a slam dunk for Senator or even POTUS. I knew some brave SOB's in the Army, but some of them were alcoholics and wife beaters. Some believed the military owed them something more than a paycheck and were completely corrupt. How would any of these be better than a businessman for public office? I give credit for military experience, but that is just the beginning of the rectal exam politicians should get.

I can tell you McCain had plenty of hemorrhoids and maybe a fistula or two, but his time in Hanoi stopped his rectal exam more than once. Just look at the Keating 5 and tell me his war service didn't get him out of it. His war service has been beaten to death saving his ass for decades. At some point IMO, you lose your honor that people have paid you. His attitude with Trump is just the icing on the cake that his arrogance knew no bounds. He was captured and sat out the war in a cell. They beat him, that shows no bravery that someone beats you. Word is he squealed and sung like a bird. maybe; maybe not. I will give him hero status in Hanoi, but the rest takes that away for me.

Benedict Arnold has been mentioned here. He was an absolute, no doubt about it hero, but his arrogance made him feel he was slighted by Washington so he became the most famous hated traitor of all time. McCain was a smart ass that needed an ass kicking several times......IMHO of course.

52 posted on 03/20/2019 8:48:40 PM PDT by chuckles
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To: chuckles

His father and grandfather failed him by not giving him that ass-kicking. They should have yanked his butt out of the Naval Academy, but lacked the courage to do it.

53 posted on 03/21/2019 12:14:13 AM PDT by GreyHoundSailor
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To: chuckles

Nothing personal here chuckles, I don’t know you that well so this isn’t directed at you personally.

I served under McCain in a training squadron, and served in the actual squadron he had been in while he was on the USS Forrestal, and am well conversant in the facts.

Please. Don’t start talking about his “Hot Starts” unless you can explain in detail what a hot start is, and how it could have contributed in any way given the geometry of the plane spotting at the time.

I spent the better part of four years working on a flight deck of a carrier, and I’m telling you, talking about how McCain started the fire is nonsense and makes us all look like we don’t know what we are talking about.

When knowledgable people see that, they discount EVERYTHING we say.

We should stick to the things that are factual, because the Left and their allies won’t be able to discount us on the basis of what we say, and will be forced to have to contest the facts or resort to liberal tactics, in both ways, they lose.

56 posted on 03/21/2019 5:49:45 AM PDT by rlmorel (If racial attacks were as common as the Left wants you to think, they wouldn't have to make them up.)
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