[[Empowering your neighbors, roommates, former lovers, relatives or people who have a grudge against you to use armed police to attack you, without warning or probable cause, does you serious criminal harm and must be stopped cold.]]
They already do it with Criminal Orders of Protection. Your neighbor can fill one out against you with virtually no proof at all and he doesn’t even have to go to court for it. You are guilty until proven innocent.
I “Googled” Criminal Order of Protection and found that there is a difference:
A Criminal Order of Protection arises out of a criminal case. The party asking for the entry of an Order of Protection is usually the prosecutor in a criminal Domestic Battery case. And it does not result in confiscated property; it forbids the defendant from being anywhere near the victim and from having any contact with the victim.
On the other hand, “Red Flag” judgements:
1. Result in confiscation of private property without due process;
2. Destroy the concept of innocent until proven guilty; and
3. Intentionally strip people of their constitutional rights.
Red Flag laws must not be allowed to stand!
ANY vote for a so-called “Red Flag” law is a vote against the American people and a vote against the US Constitution!