We need a pause of immigration to find our education needs and job needs. We don't need more anti-American invaders, legal or illegal.
We don’t need more anti-American invaders, legal or illegal.
But put your thinking cap on. We can’t stop immigration nor do we want to. What we want is common sense immigration laws that are followed. We used to have these laws. Right now we have no laws. Trumps wants congress to pass laws so that he can follow them. He is trying to put the issue back to the people, US, in the election. So we will have to get involved. But managing for what you don’t want doesn’t take you anywhere.
A few further thoughts:
1) there is no perfect solution. Read that slowly and let your lips move.
2) The ONE UNIQUE quality about our country has been the ability to move up and down the social/financial ladder. Note I use the word “has been”, it is still possible but harder and harder all the time.
3) We should obviously discriminate on crime, health, and ability to work and country of origan. These were the old laws we operated under.
4) My great grandparents probably didn’t look too pretty getting off the boat, but they had sponsors and there was no govt welfare.
5) A bit of history. The Supreme Court ruled in about 1870 that immigration was a federal prerogative not state. It took about 30 years before our legislatures completed the legislation, they didn’t rush into it and it worked well for many years. We don’t want an efficient government.