No Q content, yet again.
You are repetitive and boring, not clever or intelligent. I checked out your posting history.
YOU have no content other than one liners. You bring nothing to the table other than a bad attitude.
I have to assume from your lack of intellect and your forced misuse of what you probably consider to be "three dollar words", that you have striven all your life to "match up" to the smart kids, but fell short.
This has caused you to pretend to have a world-view and to constantly be Rick-Rolled in the grown-up world. It's a self-esteem issue, really.
I will leave you to post about "actions" and worldviews and whatnot until you buzz off to go bore another group on FR with your nothing to say shtick.
But I gotta ask.
Is your mom hot?
You must have ONE redeeming quality.
G'nite, real people!!!!