“Yeah. The liberal mindset said no guns for the good ole boys. But dynamite strapped to arrows was cute and like the A team, nobody got killed”
Oh baloney. it was circa 1980. The point of the movie wasn’t to do like today and make a dark, brooding, blood soaked horror-fest.
It was supposed to be good clean fun. Also back then ISIS was a hot chick professor who righted wrongs without killing anyone either.
That brings up a good observation I had to the reactions of several women when the Dukes of Hazzard movie came out.
They really objected to Jessica Simpson being cast in the role of Daisy. Their reasoning?
“She can’t play Daisy. Daisy was SMART!”
And looking back at the series I can see their point. That Daisy was feminine and redneck and tough and smoking hot....but she was smarter than the average bear too.