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To: Hatteras

Yep being noticed like this is not always a positive. I don’t like when some magazine raves about Richmond VA. Hasn’t happened a lot, but I think here comes more liberal voters.

46 posted on 01/24/2019 5:47:27 AM PST by Carry me back (Cut the feds by 90%)
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To: Carry me back
I was living in what, one year, came to be the "#1 Town in America". 5 years later the population had quadrupled. The police station, once a small block building with maybe four police cruisers out front, became a fancy new 3-story "law enforcement center" and a parking lot full of police cruisers.

The quaint little 3 blocks of "downtown" had been used a few times in the past as a back drop for some TV and film productions but has since lost that Mayberry feel when now finding it lined with an estimated 15,000 people for the annual Christmas parade.

Houses on barely 1/8 acre lots sprung up everywhere, including newly annexed land beyond the town limits bringing the equivalent in traffic along with it. It used to be that the only light between our town and the next town 3 miles away was a gas station next to the highway overpass. Now the entire 3 miles is lined with shopping centers, apartments and townhouses and the new bypass is a toll road.

Sucks but when the new mayor began advocating for more business and annexation, relaxing laws on downtown development, etc..., I was done. I have since sold the old house (for much more than it was worth) and moved to a new location out in the country.

62 posted on 01/24/2019 8:09:03 AM PST by Hatteras
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