Good luck on your travels. I have no route advice to offer, but be safe!
Wait till spring?
Hey I am on the receiving end ... where in Central Florida is the destination ?
We are in Dade City.
There should be chains in the rental truck, make sure they are there befor you leave and maybe they will show you how to put them on and remove them.
Best to ask locals for routes. Make friends with truckers if you can and see if they will sandwich you between two trucks. Offer to buy them dinner or breakfast. It always worked for me
You didn’t even clearly explain where you’re going from and to.
What route do you wasn’t advice on
From Gardnerville?
Gardnerville to South Lake Tahoe?
To Florida?
Explain better.
Are you from the area? Or from far away?
My first bit if advice is you don’t want to go through either of the mountain passes you mention.
Picking I-10 East over I-40 changes the route in my mind. You want to go to Vegas or just “passing thru”?
Any 4-wheel drive is exempt from chain requirements, just tell them it is 4-wheel drive. Moving truck is different matter. Time right and roads are clear—suspect like today. Otherwise, rent chains as you head up I-80.
Out of the way, but how about 395 north to 50, then east to 95? I’ve been through that area quite a few times, and in winter, I’d prefer the least mountainous route possible, even if slightly longer.
Stick to the interstate when you can. Go south from Truckee is likely best to Tahoe.
Know the area well. This time of year is always a shoot as to the weather and road conditions. As a general rule loose elevation as fast as you can. The weather looks to be cold and dry for the next few days. I would be tempted to take 50 to 95 and go South. Guaranteed they are clear. 395 South of Topaz has some higher spots that will most likely be clear but may have icy patches since it doesn’t get sunlight this time of year.
Go between storms after the road surface is clear. Timing is everything
Once in lower elevations, go south to I 10, and miss any sierra crossing.
I 10 takes you all the way. IN Texas or therabouts, can aim a little to the north to get to central Florida.
It’s winter. Lots of snow storms now.
Lots of closed roads.
Stick to interstates.
Here is what to do.
From Tahoe go on I-80 south to Sacramento.
Go south on I-5
Go to I-210 in Pasadena or I-10 in Los Angeles and head East.
210 merges in to the 10 after 50 miles or so.
Take the 10 all the way to Florida.
Do it this way.
Don’t try any other route in winter right now.
It’ll be a great trip.
15’ truck? She doesn’t have much stuff. Craigslist most of it and ground ship what’s really worth keeping. Buy a one way ticket on{cpc}&device=c&fpprice=&msclkid=3868ad71d61a1d458c61f15744099d31&utm_content=Cheap
2. 395 to north of Topaz lake to 208 east to 95.
I live on Hwy 395 in California and have traveled both the routes you mention many time both Summer and Winter. I would not recommend 395 to Lone Pine and then 136 to 190 in a moving van in Winter. Lots of snow covered passes and even though usually snow free most of the year 190 is very steep and curvy. 208 just north of Toapz Lake is mostly two lane and very remote, may not be much snow removal in some areas.
If it was me, I'd head north to Carson City and take 50 east to Alt 95 then south to Yerington, then continue west on Alt 95 to Schurz then south down 95 to Vegas. This is the preferred Winter route for those of us that live in the area.
Have you compared the cost of getting one of those POD Containers and having it shipped to FL?
Ship her Car as well and fly to FL which would also save on wear and tear on her Car.
Between the cost of the Rental Truck, the Gas and Hotels along the way it would seem like a cheaper alternative.
In my best Rosannadanna, if you have already compared the costs and figured out your time is worth it, “nevermind” and just ignore my Post. Be safe on your travels.
This is the wrong time of year to be taking the mountain roads. Winter storms move in fast.
If it was me I would head towards Sacramento and catch I5 South. Then catch I10 East which will take you to Florida.
If your last name is Donner I advise to wait until spring.
Take Rte. 395 all the way down to Kramer's Corners in San Bernardino County.
To left on Rte. 58 toward Barstow.
At Barstow, go south on Rte. 247, all the way to Rte. 62.
When you get to Rte. 62, you can proceed to I-10 by turning right and going through Yucca Valley or turning left, through 29 Palms to Rte. 117, which will take you to I-10, which will take you to Florida.
If you want to be on the freeway all the way to Florida after traversing Rte. 395, you can take 395 to I-15, head south through Cajon Pass and pick up I-10 at San Bernardino.
South of Kramer's Corners, 395 gets nasty--two lanes with no passing followed by a red light district--lots of stoplights. When I hit Adelanto, I usually turn left on Air Expressway, proceed through the old George Air Force Base to old Rte. 66, then turn right, and it's a short drive to I-15.
I can’t offer advice on exactly what you’re asking, but I have two bits of general advice:
“U pack” by ABF freight is cheaper than u-haul. And you can pack the trailer as you see fit - they drop it off and they pick it up. You pack everything in the back, and then create a plywood bulkhead. They take the trailer and fill the rest of the trailer up with their own logistical hauls. They deliver and drop the trailer off at the new site.
Secondly, when travelling during potential weather events, the FIRST MOMENT you see a storm, get a hotel room. Like, call the nearest one and book over the phone. They fill up really, really fast. I “pushed a little further” once through Kansas and wound up having to sleep in my truck in a hotel parking lot. In a blizzard. I just pushed it a bit further. Never again.