We decided after it was obvious our dog could no longer function with a decent amount of happiness to put him down...
We made the appointment and he died in his sleep that night...
Dogs have a sixth sense....
Make that appointment and put the good boy to rest...
We had an Irish Setter who had been run over at one point when we were growing up and the vet did surgery and she lived about 15 years but at the end she was going blind and would whimper when she walked from arthritis with each step. Getting up from a nap was obviously painful for her. Dad saw her one morning and asked if my sisters boyfriend would take her to the vet and put her down, he didnt want to do it but the dog was hurting and had lived to watch all of us grow from small to high school and college.
I put an old yellow Tom cat of my own family down, didnt want to but he had lived 12 years and had become a diabetic and was wasting away, no kind of life. I love cats and didnt want to but he wasnt the same Sam kitty as my little girl called him so I ended his suffering.