238,000 x 2 is not a half billion miles, even in retard math.
Then chalk it up the lag mileage required between the 1,000 MPH to the average 666 mph rotation of the earth and the 2288 mph speed of the moon's orbit around the earth?
There had to be some “catch up” mileage in the absolute dead vacuum of space, right?
Wow, and just think, we are arguing about some faked Apollo 17 footage here because it is impossible for NASA to have remote controlled the camera's that were left back on the “moon”...
How come NASA couldn't have pointed and tilted the video camera that was strapped to the Lunar Rover to take a real photo of the earth? (They've admitted none of their earth images from space are real. You know that don't you?)
Nope, all we get is some toy firecrackered up into a catwalk, probably at Pinewood...
APOLLO 17 FOOTAGE REMOTE CONTROLLED IN 1.5 SECONDS FROM HOUSTON (that's 476,000 miles roundtrip in 1.5 seconds... nearly HALF A BILLION miles! Wheeee!)