Oh yeah.
The band members were definitely ideologically very similar.
I’m not a fan of Pink Floyd for their politics though. Most or even all of the bands I like are leftist idiots.
It just seems to be something that runs through them and other creative types.
If I was to stop listening to anyone I disagreed with politically, I’d have no music mostly, except probably for the 2 cellos dudes. Not sure what their politics are, and that is pretty rare to not know these days.
I’ve been playing in house bands and bar bands on and off since high school. I’ve actually been fired when they have learned that I’m conservative. I’m a firm believer is “Shut up and sing” - why should I bore anyone with my beliefs?
Waters wears his politics on his sleeve and even uses them as a bludgeon. Gilmour (to his credit) is quiet about his.
BTW: here’s my story: “Shut up and sing”