My parents and grandparents did not think JFK tolerable. They thought him an amoral fraud, a liar, a flim-flam man, a man of low intellect, and an opportunist who did not have at heart, or even know the best interests of our country. His book was ghostwritten, his mythos invented by his father’s millions, his press conferences carefully scripted. They deplored the dishonest media-created Camelot myth that was born out of his death because it further empowered the utterly wicked LBJ and the wicked democrat party, empowered by decent people dazzled by the fairy glamour by the conjourings and spells of the evil magicians of Madison Avenue and of Hollywood, people who do not did not understand the darkness that had already consumed the democrat party, the darkness that has sought since the beginning of time to swallow up the world and kill it. And so JFK brought us LBJ, a creature of that darkness, who was many times more the evil man that JFK could ever have hoped to be, because JFK was a merely man of appetites, while LBJ understood the utter depravity of unredeemed human nature, and because it mirrored his own soul (if he had one.)
I apologize, a little bit for my wordiness, I have been reading the “Labyrinth of the Spirits,” I am getting a little bit carried away with an orgy of words rather than turkey this Thanksgiving Day. But the one thing that I am carrying away from this book, is that while I never really understand the civil war of Spain in the 1930s, is that the right evil won that war, even though I do not think the author thinks so. Spain’s fate could easily have been so much worse, and that the fruit of “the generalissimo” is a healthy country and a brilliance of Spanish literature, and the opposite is true of our country in these forsaken times.
The GOP is pretty darn evil, and it has done evil, and it will continue to do evil, but there is some light in it, and in the end, the light will prevail — if Donald Trump prevails!!!!
Your post #50 was just what I think with the minor exception that I think JFK was pretty smart.