Smokers....(I was one) .take WAY more breaks and are out many more times in Sickness than NON-SMOKERS!!!
I was a smoker for 50 years. I never lost days from smoking illness. Had flu a couple times.. We worked as hard or harder then everybody else...
I have had two "sick days" in 5 years. Both were due to flu. Contracted from another employee who hacked his lungs out in every direction. As for "breaks", my profession has few "breaks", to begin with. Those "breaks" taken are for lunch and hitting the outhouse.
The smug moral superiority of the pure and untainted anti smoking bigots/NAZIs is just as repugnant as any filthy and disgusting Liberal/Leftist.
Too bad FR has a dirty underclass that emulates the gutter trash of the demoncrats.
I work with a girl, non smoker who lives 5 min from home. She takes 2 hour lunches, she works maybe 3 hours in am goes to lunch, comes back works and hour or so then has leave to run errands then comes back for another hour or so. While I sit there and take my two 15 min breaks and half hour lunch. NON smokers abuse work time as well as some smokers.