No thanks. Your kind of enlightenment is part of what got us here in the first place.
Thank you, Sequoyah101,
...for your positive feedback.
It further confirms the uniqueness of our Founding Fathers in establishing a country that to this day allows the Freedom Of Speech.
Just think...they put into words the thought process which allows the country to grow and work through terrible mistakes and actions.
Those men knew they were not perfect and the country’s start itself was not perfect nor was it perfect at the time they set words to paper...
... yet they put into words the way for the peoples to improve this country and allow the growth of its peoples.
That said, it was, and still is, up to each individual to do the best they can as they strive to achieve their goals.
No country is perfect. None. Ancient, old, new, Anglo, Hispanic, Chinese, Greek, Native. None.
Our country, however, does allow for correction without the utter destruction of its baseline.
I value most of all the aspect of your words.
Freedom. Of. Speech.