I do not know what has truly enabled all the fruitfulness, besides prayer and fertilizer, but we pray it is too the glory of God.
Lots of sun is crtical. In this densely populated NE city I know of no one in our neighborhood that even has as much unblocked Southward facing space to plant, if at all, as us, though in the spring and summer the house blocks the sun from most of the area until after about 12-1p - and tomato plants you are sppsd to get about 7 hours of sin a day.
And by about 4 or 5 PM the rear section of the side garden is blocked by the bldg next door. Therefore I have been planting the toms in the (overcrowded) front section, and front of the side garden, and the squash after that, which crawls. Soil condition is also critical. The best "crop" in NE soils is rocks, and the sols also tends to be acidic, and so I have used some lime the last 2 years, as well as soil amendments like Cow Manure , Peat Moss , Humus and Manure , Organic Lime , and All-Purpose Fertilizer 10-10-10.
Plus, someone gave us a large container of expired vitamin-mineral pills, which i put in the rain water i collected.
I may try a little Epsom salts this year, God willing, though i do not want to spend too much of the money the "picker" spends on this. Which reminds me that although all the squash and the toms on the side were started from collected seeds, the pickerr enthusiast (who does not eat many toms, but likes to pick them to be given away) bout about 8 plants the last 2 years (planted about mid-May) from the garden center. Which is where i get the sends for this years crop.
Thanks and glory to be God, and may He show Himself strong on behalf of those who are serving Him amid privations (Ps. 70) and on those with bad conditions. And to whom much is given of him shall much be expected.