In case you miss post 1906. May I recommend it?
Feeding the trolls is frowned upon, here, unless you plan on having them coaxing them in over here en masse, so you can pet them.
Please, stop. Find a hobby, watch a movie and hurry right back over here.
Sometimes this thread reminds me of those long-ago cross country trips with three 98 percentile IQ youngun’s bouncing around the back seat.
Got a way pretty quick to belay the “When are we going to get there” queries, though.
Handed the trio a roadmap and flight calculator and told ‘em to figure that deal out for themselves.
After the first couple of near riots (IIRC caused by confusion over conversion of MPH to KIAS...or “standard” miles to nautical miles to be more precise) things settled right down on trips and the kids became pretty fair navigators before they finished grade school.
...and I’ve still got a Flight Calculator riding around in the back of the Big pickup....for the ggrandkids, nowadays.