I was told years ago that contractors started new incorporations for the purpose of building these apt complexes, then they’d dissolve them to avoid lawsuits. They KNEW the quality of the job.
“...dropped into free fall and landed in a mass of sprawling bodies in the basement.”
How many sexual assault charges will be brought after this?!
Reminds me of what happened at that Israeli wedding reception when the floor gave way, I think that was back in the 1990s, it was one of the most horrible things I’d ever seen.
“ Jeremy Tester felt something strange beneath his feet”
Years ago i went to an Ikea store for a labor day sale, so naturally the place was packed with people. I went up to the second floor and people were just walking around. But i could feel the floor kind of bending or flexing under the weight of all that people. Made me extremely nervous and i was glad to get back to the ground floor and out of the store. As far as i know, the floor never collapsed to this day.
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Niece’s boy, first year out of Rutgers and making 80K/year for a major accounting firm in DC, went back to their homecoming over the weekend - stayed in his old fraternity - it was “awful” he says - “kids running in and out banging doors, yelling, music blaring all night long - the sort of thing I was doing there just last year” - guess he’s growing up.....
Berkeley 6 dead 1015
Berkeley balcony collapse