Most of the polls that show Gillum or Nelson winning have independents breaking for the Democrats around 50%/40% with 10% undecided.
The last FL senate poll on Real Clear Politics is a Mason/Dixon poll from 9/24-9/27 that has Nelson up just 1% and has independents 46%/43% for Nelson.
Thank you, So the Independents may cancel out the Republican votes. I sure hope Nelson can be ousted and Desantis can win, too.
The Media has stopped all polling since the Kav hearings in FL .
I think it killed the narrative with the awful poll results .
The FL media is hard left and they hope the Kav impact to wear off .
Difference between do you consider yourself an independent or are you registered as an independent?
2 different questions affect any particular poll.
My personal opinion having lived in Florida is that Indies are closet GOP