Why do we want a homogenous population? Wouldn’t this make us more vulnerable as a species?
Other traits would slowly disappear too. Looking at just black people we’d lose their athletic dominance and their musical superiority. Every populace would lose something and the human race would turn into the average race.
“Why do we want a homogenous population?”
That is not the goal. The goal is to rid the country of whites.
We do not have a natural immunity to diseases common to other ethnicities from other world regions. Foreign bacterial and viral diseases aside, there’s Sickle cell, AIDS, heart disease, Chrons, diabetes, obesity, mental health, differing disease progression, differing/negative responses to therapies and especially to medications, differing immunity to disease such as tuberculosis, for examples. Without careful genetic consideration, the offspring down the line may face medical nightmares. One could probably search the Guardian for their dire warning article on a certain banned medication dispensed in Spain for headaches or migraines or somesuch that is toxic and proven lethal to Britons, as another example.
Darwin Gaia-ists should at least have a very basic understanding of the built-in survival drive in any living thing to preserve and protect their genetic uniqueness, proven in the fire of time. Zoos don’t breed their sickest camels, horses don’t go looking for the weakest zebras and no one would imagine cross-breeding Galapagos turtles with red-eared sliders. A cougar or tarantula or elephant or butterfly will choose a partner that will enhance the genetic lines and survivability of their offspring. A creosote bush goes a little further and will poison the soil around it to the benefit of their offspring. So either Darwinists don’t really believe in Darwinism, which recognizes and applauds and celebrates genetic separateness, or they’re just breeding racism towards a minority genetic group who have thrived against all odds.