People keep dying like this and soon there will be no more music or movies being made. This is ridiculous. All these people dying. When will the madness stop?
Wow. You're so clever. I'll bet your ex-girlfriend and whatever family that still isn't bored by your act, still rolls their eyes.
#34 re “when will the madness stop”? Nov. 6, 2018 elections. The Zombies will lose and we retake Alexandria and keep Congress. /sarc
The real Alexandria, Va is great for rich white liberals but the poor blacks and Hispanics have tons of crime (the police reported arrests in the weekend section of the paper listed24 for assaults, trespassing, theft, etc). Arlington, Va. next door had no reported arrests though it had two gun incidents.
We really do need to retake Alexandria and Arlington. However, Arlington Republicans/conservatives are better armed, trained, and experienced than the police (because many are combat veterans of Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan and a few were also police officers).
No leftist thug apocalypse there, I can assure you.