Ya know Trump is not only a gifted politician, but he is a great entertainer and joke teller. Being a NYC street kid myself, who is just a bit older then the “Trumpster”...he is the product of his NYC street kid upbringing.
Old man Fred Trump, Trump’s Dad saw to it that the young Trump was around the rough & cursing construction workers building the Trump housing empire, the plumbers, the bricklayers, the iron workers, the crane operators, the wall men, the painters, etc., etc.
That is where the young Trump learned & got trained in cursing, joking, telling tale tales and real stories and giving out as good as he got. We, the people, of America are darn lucky the Lord, Almighty sent Trumpie our way.
Some of Trumps fighting back methods are rubbing off on elected officials. The media continues to work as cheerleaders for chaos and mass hysteria.
As a NYC street kid who is a few decades younger than Trump, I concur 100%.