1. Go to Settings and Privacy on a desktop browser in Twit.
2. Scroll to “Your Tweet Archive” and click the button to email.
3. Check your email for the mail from Twit. This may be in your SPAM folder or Social folder (gmail).
4. Download the ZIP archive of your Twit line.
5. Extract the ZIP to your hard drive.
6. Open the index.html file in your browser. This will show your Twit activity by month. You aren’t done yet, because any images in your Twit line are still being pulled from the Twit servers.
7. In the browser click File —> Save. It will ask where you want to save and give you the opportunity to change the filename. Change that filename to something like “twit-Oct-2018. This will save that page and all the images to your hard drive.
8. Repeat for all months in your Twit line.
This must mean McCabes GJ wrapped up and now the information can be unredacted.