I wonder if Rush is right - she will refuse to appear. FR - and you - have done a good job digging up mucho discrediting info on this Harpie.
Rush has been saying for some time that it is getting to where no decent human being will accept a SCOTUS nomination - or any other GOP appointment - because the Democ🐀s will destroy them, their family, their future... etc. The Dem Party is becoming the cess pool of our country, AND:
The Democ🐀s have been running this country for a long time ... with some 'pubbie help and cowardice [plus the MSM]! Dems are above the law... they ARE the law!
Time to put a stop to it - before they kill someone [besides Seth Rich, etc.]
Why is everyone skipping over the fact that Kavanaugh’s mother was a JUDGE during his high school time and she had probably told him he had high standards to live up to so as not to embarrass her and her position?