Article about what evolution by a theistic evolutionist:
Correction: Whale evolution
The premise of theistic evolution is incoherent. The theistic part connotes a creator God who knows what he wants to do and does it. The evolution part connotes a process that is random and in no need of supervision by any conscious agent because it is sufficient unto itself. So theistic evolution might be rephrased as a system whereby God creates using a process that he cannot influence in any way and which has no need of him. Huh?If the theistic evolutionist responds, Oh I dont mean that kind of evolution. I mean the kind of evolution which is guided by God to fulfill his purposes, then the true evolutionist will reply, Well, thats no kind of evolution. Thats some sort of creation scenario and you have no right to use the evolution word.
But!, protests the theistic evolutionist, I want you to know that I have nothing to do with those Intelligent Design idiots. Im one of you! Im one of the smart guys who is up on science, not some primitive religious fanatic. I truly do believe that Darwin got it right and random mutation coupled with natural selection is all there is. All Im saying is that God uses that process to create all the living things on Earth.
Oh brother, says the true evolutionist, You just dont get it do you? As soon as you toss God into the equation you blow evolution to smithereens and reveal yourself as exactly what you say you arenta religious nut case. Evolution doesnt need god, or goals, or interference by any intelligent agent. All evolution needs is a steady supply of random mistakes and the process of elimination called natural selection. That will get you to any form of life no matter how complex. Its beautiful and youre just too stupid to understand that its self sufficiency IS its beauty. Now get lost. You bore me.
As Ive played out this imaginary dialogue, I hope Ive made clear that the last thing a theistic evolutionist wants is to be invited into the ID camp. The whole point of being a theistic evolutionist is to be good buddies with the smart guys of the world, the evolutionists; yet, to keep a toe in the belief system they grew up with and towards which they retain warm and fuzzy feelings. In any showdown, whether it be abortion, euthanasia, or school textbooks, staying in harmony with evolution will trump warm and fuzzy feelings about religious heritage.
-Laszlo Bencze