Roziak on Tucker with his revelation. Left unmentioned are the all too likely further explanations for DiSpystein’s husbands accumulation of wealth via China.
[Roziak on Tucker with his revelation.]
Praying JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED on these traitors and crooks.
FYI there seems to have been another day of fiasco in the Manafort plant trial ... best indicator is there seems to be little coverage (at least thus far what I’ve seen or able to stand lol) in MSM.
From what I’ve picked up elsewhere thus far, Gates appeared at Court but the Mule team waited until the end of the day to present his testimony. Then, when he was supposed to appear, they had another accountant testify. Then the Judge held a pow-wow and after a break Gates took the stand.
Apparently Gates has not said much if anything that can actually really be held (much?) against Manafort because Gates testified that *he* committed crimes, *he* told the accountant to fill things in, *he* embezzled the profits, etc.. The accountant explained that even if deemed “wrong” accounting, *if* the IRS had ever audited, it would have been around $30K.
Seems to me they need more to connect those dots ... but we’re not there.
Unclear whether Gates is now done or there will be (more?) cross tomorrow.
Recall too that Feinswein and husband were heavily involved in the Desert Wilderness Protection Act which ties up a bunch of resources, some of which were subsequently cornered markets of the Chinese.