The “homeless” beggars were banned at one time from sitting near intersections. The ACLUseless sued various entities of government including Springfield. They (ACLU) prevailed. Most of these “homeless” park their cars out of eye sight. Collect $50-$100. per day. EBT Cards. Food stamps. Medicaid. Life is good. For the “homeless” in Missouri.
They stand out in front of Walmart. Drive around back and look at their conversion vans and RVs.
Granted, that sort of lifestyle is not a bad choice - The signs they hold are the lies.
I’m also amazed at how many homeless women there were. Of all races too.
Either way, it’s a shame. But I did notice on my travels through the middle of the country that Missouri is the worst off of all the states.
WV and AR were on my itinerary and I stayed in both. These are ranked some of the poorest states in the US. The beggar situation was almost nil in those states. I saw one person in Fayetteville. Fayetteville also has several homeless shelters.