To: Aquamarine
Les Moonves trivia.
He is married to Julie Chen, the host of CBS's Big Brother.
p.s. She is all over the internet defending her hubby.
914 posted on
07/27/2018 4:45:29 PM PDT by
( "Even bad men love their mamas.")
To: bagster
Ironically she was married to Maury Povitch and now she could be a guest on his TV show.
930 posted on
07/27/2018 5:14:35 PM PDT by
("Well I truly would be thrilled if all/most of the Q stuff turns out to be real")
To: bagster
He is married to Julie Chen, the host of CBS's Big Brother. p.s. She is all over the internet defending her hubby. That doesn't sound good for her.
Has there been anything here about Tyler Shields, he was mentioned on a Hollywood Whistle Blower thread on Neon Revolt.
937 posted on
07/27/2018 5:32:44 PM PDT by
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