If there was real justice in this country sentence would be swift and permanent. I think the problem is the legal system. The whole thing is funded by us. The arresting, prosecution, defense, judges, and then of course the long term incarceration.
How come its okay to murder an unborn innocent baby, but we protect animals like these two?
If it was a federal judge's wife or daughter, or a federal prosecutor's wife or daughter, or a powerful politician's wife or daughter, you'd be AMAZED at how fast the Wheels of Justice would turn. And so would the two perps.
The "Jesters" System is in place to milk the taxpeasants - and to remind them about who is in charge, to remind them how powerless they are, and to taunt them with those facts while laughing all the way to the great public pension.
I figured that out years ago when I read that the State of California is keeping Charles Ng alive - who is ON VIDEO coercing some of his dead rape/murder victims...