Can someone explain to me why Rush and Sean just spent their shows extolling the President and the meeting with Putin? I mean every politician, talking head and former swamp dweller including Gingrich are running around claiming the sky is falling?
Maybe we need to stop and think about the WW leaders that have not been part of the DS rituals!
China, Russia, SA, Israel, POTUS
Everyone else making noise!........
>>Can someone explain to me why Rush and Sean just spent their shows extolling the President and the meeting with Putin?<<
Trump just lanced a boil, and it’s going to be a little messy for a few days.
The boil was that BIG FAT LIE about Russia hacking the DNC and Podesta. This was a LIE by Brennan, Comey and Clapper—all TRAITORS. The normal politicians are far too frightened of the IC to call them out!
PDJT apparently knows no fear.
My only disappointment is with the FoxNews commentators and some dimwits on talk radio who seem to be running with the GOPe/RAT line.
President Trump will be 100% vindicated—AGAIN.
He started the mantra: “Where are the servers?” (referring to DNC and Awan servers). These will prove the key, as Q has been saying.
I take it you are asking a rhetorical question?