Mr.Warmth and a very funny guy.
To: eastforker
Nothing but love for Donnie - here is a sample of his humor... (4:52)
2 posted on
07/04/2018 12:02:34 PM PDT by
(Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God. - (Thomas Jefferson)
To: eastforker
I would love to hear what he had to say about New Guinea. My father served there for three years. Cannibals, Headhunters, 20 foot long snakes, jungle diseases, rain every other day with 100+ degree temperatures turning the ground into hot mud.
We own our lives to the men who endured this for our freedom. They cannot be praised too highly.
8 posted on
07/04/2018 12:27:15 PM PDT by
(See "Chaos and Mayhem" at
To: eastforker
9 posted on
07/04/2018 12:34:04 PM PDT by
Governor Dinwiddie
(MAGA in the mornin', MAGA in the evenin', MAGA at suppertime . . .)
To: eastforker
He also served as CPO Sharkey
To: eastforker
13 posted on
07/04/2018 12:38:39 PM PDT by
Governor Dinwiddie
(MAGA in the mornin', MAGA in the evenin', MAGA at suppertime . . .)
To: eastforker
Ah Don Rickles...The godfather of trolls.
20 posted on
07/04/2018 1:53:00 PM PDT by
To: eastforker
That's nothing! ILLary Rodham tried to join the Marine Corps in 1967!
24 posted on
07/04/2018 2:58:56 PM PDT by
Gay State Conservative
(You Say "White Privilege"...I Say "Protestant Work Ethic")
To: eastforker
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