“No, it does not raise the pH of the human body.”
it WILL however definitely raise the pH of human urine. I tried an experiment ob myself with baking soda after studying the bullshit about acid/alkaline diets, wondering if plain ol’ baking soda would raise the pH of my urine.
Boy did it ever! used litmus-type pH strips before and after ingesting baking soda, which turned the damned things purple afterwards! Very doubtful that the baking soda changed the blood pH one whit, which is the BS nonsense claimed for acid/alkaline diets, namely that certain foods change the blood pH and the way to measure that is by measuring urine pH ...
Yup. Too many people don't understand the difference between blood and urine. The human body is highly capable of dealing with (at least in the short term) even our worst choices in food and beverage whether it's from highly acidic or highly alkaline sources. Homeostatic mechanisms maintain blood pH between 7.35 and 7.45.The pH of fluids both inside and outside cells remain nearly constant despite adding to, or the body's manufacturing of strong acids and/or bases.
All of the acid/alkaline diets that get touted so often these days are total BS.