Thanks CAWW- Been reading up on this man mark taylor- Wow- I posted the following in another thread about him and what he preaches- definitely someone to steer clear of
Ive also heard God will bless because of the few remaining faithful- but scriptures declare that in the end times things get worse- much worse- not better- Were kicking God out of American life- and sin and sinners are becoming much much bolder and blatantly anti-Christian- The bible does not speak of a great revival in end times like Mark proclaims- that is a theology from a cult called NAR revivalism (New Apostolic Reformation) - it is a cult wrapped up in miraculous signs and wonders- Heres a short blurb on it- more can be found on that site-
[[The New Apostolic Reformation began in 1948 through the New Order of the Latter Rain (NOLR) cult. This movement attempted to restore the church by establishing a New Order of an end-times government of Apostles and Prophets, ruling the world by triggering a global spiritual revival/awakening thus ushering Jesus Christs return. They taught that man can become gods. Although they called this Manifest Sons of God, it has been repackaged repeatedly under many names.]]
Any group proclaiming miraculous signs and wonders should be avoided as Jesus clearly warned about these 'counterfeits'.....Additionally signs and wonders are limited to the age of the apostles. This doesn't mean miracles don't happen. It just means they are not the typical or normal way ministry is to be done. The healing ministry of Jesus and the apostles was unique. Signs and wonders were not done by Christians in general, but were the signs of the apostles. Likely this is why they've hitched up to the Apostle/Prophet idea to give credibility to what they claim. Counterfeiters always mask the reality of who they really are.