I blame David Hogg.
The liberals need stupid people to follow them.
Bad breeding.
Yo Bobby DeNiro.....Low IQ Bobby. Yeah I am talking to you.
Thanks to welfare have reverse eugenics. Many high IQ women rather focus on career and the pleasures of modern life than have kids. The opportunity costs of having a kid for a low IQ on welfare woman is minimal or actually be a monetary benefit.
But one of the destructive effects of Leftism.
With the advent of computers and instant access to the internet, people have no need to memorize anything, or use reasoning to solve a problem. They can simply look it up.
Need to perform a simple calculation? People don’t do math in their heads anymore. They whip out the calculator on their iPhone to split a restaurant bill two ways or arrive at the final price in a 25% off sale.
Common Core is designed to make and keep people lazy, selfish, and stupid. A cog in the NWO wheel.
Used as directed, CC will all but eliminate critical thinking, personal initiative, and belief in God (the Jehovah God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ).
Common Core is far more sinister than most people imagine. With this in mind, plan for your children’s future accordingly.
You mean TURD Worlder’s are really not as brilliant as Russian Jews?
Loved the ad a couple of years ago of the lazy boy calling his grandma in the next room on the phone to bring him another grape soda. Kids who did nothing but sit and watch TV or play on the computer were bound to be deficient in IQ. Also, going to school and being taught by the Dumbest Generation didn’t help.
But the median IQ is still 100, right?
The school system is working as designed.
That's a gentle way of putting it.
Another possibility is that IQ tests haven’t adapted to accurately quantify an estimate of modern people’s intelligence favouring forms of formally taught reasoning that may be less emphasised in contemporary education and young people’s lifestyles.
Meaning what? IQ should include the rate of Instagram posts?
The movie “Idiotocracy” predicted this, and to some degree it makes sense. The combination of technology & prosperity allows us to tolerate, and even coddle, a lot more dysfunctional behavior than we used to. Over a long enough time period, this can cause average IQ to decrease. If AI can think for you, then humans no longer have to think as much.
It’s not just IQ. Young people look fundamentally different today from when I was younger. There are still good looking young people, but far fewer of them. It is almost like there has been some kind of genetic collapse.
No, I doubt IQ scores are falling at all.
Kids are being dumbed down by the public education establishment and their brains are being rewired by video games.
They no longer know how to think or reason.
I wonder if children raised in day care centers by people too stupid to get a better paying job might be a factor?
Or maybe ‘average IQ’ of a country moves downward with the infusion of millions of illiterate illegals from 3rd world hellholes...
Yes, for several decades now we’ve subsidized the irresponsibility and indolence of the underclass. And if you subsidize something — whether sugar beets or bastardy — you can be sure you’ll get more of it. I read several years ago that the average IQ of American blacks has dropped several points since the 60s. This may not sound like much, but it’s huge. Also, this study doesn’t mention demographics. The average white IQ may still be 100, but with whites as a percentage of total population dropping each year, and lower-IQ immigrants swarming in, it’s no wonder the nation’s IQ is dropping. Average height is dropping for the same reason. And then there’s the massive problem of our horrid diet and the countless health problems it’s causing . . .
This can’t be true. The millenials know EVERYTHING.