24 hour news cycle, the rise of social media and smart phones, and internet porn. It all has an alienating effect I think, especially for young people who have never known anything else. Most kids that age are looking at screens more than the faces of their friends and family. TV and home computers were bad enough, and now we take our dumb screens everywhere.
“24 hour news cycle, the rise of social media and smart phones, and internet porn. It all has an alienating effect I think, especially for young people who have never known anything else. Most kids that age are looking at screens more than the faces of their friends and family.”
Exactly right. There are also more realistic, first-person-shooter games and deviant, anti-social video games like Grand Theft Auto that glorify crime and allow the expression of sexual violence. There’s also God of War, Witcher, Mass Effect, and many others.
What’s worse is the expansion of the LGBTQWERTY agenda into society and the public schools. As adults, we can switch off the TV or boycott companies we disagree with, but kids can’t get away from this stuff. It is demonically oppressive and depressing.