1 posted on
05/10/2018 9:20:51 AM PDT by
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To: Signalman
Is he upset that we didn’t trade enough terrorist leaders in Gitmo for them?
27 posted on
05/10/2018 9:35:44 AM PDT by
Tanniker Smith
(Rome didn't fall in a day, either.)
To: Signalman
Poor Chucky...he can see his whole life running before him...his picture on the wall of heroes, everything is being flushed down the drain, along with Zero, The Hag, The Bent One, Mad Max, The Loon Peloski....yep, all going away...how delightful
29 posted on
05/10/2018 9:38:27 AM PDT by
( "The Force Awakens!!!"...Trump and Pence: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!)
To: Signalman
Cant see where Trump has surrendered any ground to North Korea, period.
30 posted on
05/10/2018 9:39:09 AM PDT by
gov_bean_ counter
(Free Republic has been reduced to primarily a gathering place for the inane, banal, and obtuse.)
To: Signalman
Senator Cryin Chuck Schumer fought hard against the Bad Iran Deal, even going at it with President Obama, & then Voted AGAINST it! Now he says I should not have terminated the deal - but he doesnt really believe that! Same with Comey. Thought he was terrible until I fired him!
10:30 AM - 10 May 2018
31 posted on
05/10/2018 9:39:40 AM PDT by
(If only Harvey Weinstein's bathrobe could talk.)
To: Signalman
UpChuck makes no sense here at all. NK has pretty much already caved on their nuclear program, plus we get back our hostages.
33 posted on
05/10/2018 9:40:39 AM PDT by
Major Matt Mason
(The U.S. Senate - where American freedom goes to die.)
To: Signalman
At least he isn’t using the “What’s Trump’s Plan B” talking point that hundreds of reports are all parroting from Hillary’s tweet.
34 posted on
05/10/2018 9:40:59 AM PDT by
1Old Pro
To: Signalman
Schumer and the left are FRANTIC over Trump’s success.
To: Signalman
Anything said by the lying SOB Charles “Chuck The Schmuck” Schumer, is complete garbage. He only cares about himself and his legion of fellow Liberals who are hell bent to destroy our country. He has a history of lying to get his way as all liberals do. He is not only Anti-Trump, but also completely Anti-American because all he wants are mindless sheep to lead to the slaughter.
40 posted on
05/10/2018 9:48:40 AM PDT by
(i LIBERAL - Lying Idiotic B-tard Endangering Real American Lives)
To: Signalman; All
Okay, so let me get this straight schmucky...Your point of reference for a "good deal" was what you witnessed under obama, and to that point because President Trump didn't trade five Taliban Commanders for a deserter, you consider that a bad deal...Good God in Heaven, no wonder the Senate is so Fed up...You thought that was a good deal.
President Trump comes along and negotiates a great deal, in good faith and the US gave NK nothing...Sooooooo, if I understand your logic then, we are supposed to give NK something of greater value than 3 hostages in order for you to feel like America got a good deal.
It is abundantly apparent why the Senate is such a train wreck, it has been SOOOOOOOOO long since you have actually seen a good deal, you don't know a good deal when you see one.
41 posted on
05/10/2018 9:50:14 AM PDT by
(areukiddingme1 is a synonym for a Retired U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer and tired of liberal BS.))
To: Signalman
Schumer thinks Trump is a Democrat....Democrat’s ALWAYS USE PEOPLE!!!
42 posted on
05/10/2018 9:50:59 AM PDT by
(White Privilege EQUALS Self Control & working 50-80 hrs/wk for 40 years!)
To: Signalman
Chuck had no problem with Obama’s 1.7 Billion in cash to Iran....why does he have a problem now with the release of the 3 Americans? Is this “keep your eyes on the right hand while the left hand does something”....sort of ploy?
43 posted on
05/10/2018 9:51:13 AM PDT by
To: Signalman
In Canada 2015, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made virtually the same statement as Representative Schumer. Three persons were abducted in the Philippines by a division of Isis. "Canada does not and will not pay ransom" said he.
Two journalists John Risdel and Robert Hall were executed by these swines. A woman, Amanda Lindhout had a private group negotiate and monies were paid. After 13 horrific months she was freed.
My caveat is addressed to both these men Schumer and Trudeau. No ransom - EXCEPT if your carcases were on the line. No more pontificating I would wager!
To: Signalman
What did we give up again?
Did POTUS Trump send a Plane load of Gold to North Korea?
45 posted on
05/10/2018 9:52:59 AM PDT by
Kickass Conservative
( THEY LIVE, and we're the only ones wearing the Sunglasses.)
To: Signalman
Im sure Schumer expressed his outrage when Obama paid off the Taliban for Bergendahl (sp?), and sent cash to the Iranian mullahs for the captured American Navy shipmen.
He contrives this faux outrage about the release of these prisoners by North Korea to imply President Trump did something similar - yet without any evidence. Just throwing slime by implication.
47 posted on
05/10/2018 9:56:10 AM PDT by
El Cid
(Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house...)
To: Signalman
Wait. What? Okay, give NK Bergdahl.
48 posted on
05/10/2018 9:56:22 AM PDT by
(They really are stupid.)
To: Signalman
49 posted on
05/10/2018 9:57:39 AM PDT by
Ken H
(Best election ever!)
To: Signalman
I don’t even understand what point, if any, he was trying to make. I wish some reporter would ask him.
To: Signalman
Poor jealous Chucky Schmucky. DJT is running circles around this moron LMAO.
51 posted on
05/10/2018 9:58:57 AM PDT by
("Democrats haven't been this angry since Republicans freed the slaves.")
To: Signalman
52 posted on
05/10/2018 9:59:20 AM PDT by
("Blazing Saddles" explains it all.......)
To: Signalman
Hey, Senator Panties in a Wad, then what about the billion and a half in cash Obama flew into Iran on pallettes to get the Iranian hostages released? Trump paid not a dime for the return of the Korean hostages.
53 posted on
05/10/2018 9:59:57 AM PDT by
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