On a personal note. When I was a young boy I had a dog tick set up house-keeping in my ear. It attached to the ear drum. It was not loud like the insects, but it was rigidly attached. I had a bad earache. So my Mom and Dad took me to our family physician. He looked with an otoscope and saw the tick but could not make the I.D. My Dad looked and knew it was a tick. He asked if kerosene would harm me. Dr.Bridges said it would not. So...my dad went and got a small amount of kerosene and they put several drops in my ear canal. The tic let the membrane go and we were able to get it out. My DAD had been raised on a ranch and had seen ticks many times in the dogs ear canals. That was my story. It actually happened again several years later....Same thing.
WOW! Dad becomes hero!!! Love this!! As a Montana girl in my youth that spent A LOT of time in the mountains there, I’m very familiar with tics and also tics and kerosene. Great story and shows how cool our dads can be—outshining the ‘well educated’ with their awesome life experience. I had a similar type Father. Larger than life to me still. So glad they got that tic out of your ear!!! :D